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About Us


Contact the Chair of Governors

Should you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, Mr D Webster, you can do so by the following methods:

E-mail Mr Webster via Miss Frost at 

Write c/o Miss Frost at Pudsey Grammar School, Mount Pleasant Road, Pudsey, Leeds, LS28 7ND


Governor Category Term of Office
Mark McKelvie Headteacher 01/09/2014 - 01/01/2050
Nick Crowther Foundation Representative 29/03/2018 - 28/03/2026
Katrina Hukin Foundation Representative 24/01/2019 - 23/01/2027
Donna Booth Co-Opted Representative 14/05/2015 - 13/05/2027
Lee Carter Co-Opted Representative 24/01/2019 - 23/01/2027
Ewa Jamróz Co-Opted Representative 24/03/2022 - 23/03/2026
Rachael Spraggs Co-Opted Representative 03/10/2019 - 02/10/2027
David Webster Co-Opted Representative 02/10/2017 - 03/10/2025
Andrew Wood Co-Opted Representative 10/07/2024 - 09/07/2028
Adam Karnacz Parent Governor 28/02/2024 - 27/02/2028
David Ryan Parent Governor 24/03/2022 - 23/03/2026
Louise White LEA 06/07/2023 - 05/07/2027
Ryan Alderson Staff Governor 02/03/2023 - 23/03/2027


Left within the last 12 months
Governor Date of stepping down
Maggie Sheen 27/01/2025


Resources Student Support Teaching & Learning 
David Webster - Chair  Andy Wood - Chair  Donna Booth - Chair
Donna Booth Ryan Alderson Ewa Jamróz
Lee Carter Lee Carter Maggie Sheen
Katrina Hukin Ewa Jamróz Rachael Spraggs
Adam Karnacz Adam Karnacz David Webster
Mark McKelvie David Ryan Louise White
David Ryan Rachel Spraggs Andy Wood
Louise White David Webster  
Staff Lead Mrs K Byrne  Staff Lead Mr P Tierney  Staff Lead Mr J Burinshaw 

Governor Responsibilities

Governor Governor Status Responsibilities
David Webster Co-opted Governor

Chair of Governors
Child Protection/ Safeguarding/ SEMH

Donna Booth Trust Governor

Pay Review Committee
Training/ Skills Audit

Nick Crowther Trust Governor Trust Governor
Katrina Hukin Trust Governor Trust Governor
Lee Carter Co-opted Governor IT
Maggie Sheen Co-opted Governor Government Grant Funding / Pupil Premium
Pay Review Committee
Literacy/ English/ Language/ Rhetoric
Rachael Spraggs Co-opted Governor Careers
Post 16
Ewa Jamróz Co-opted Governor Equalities
Andy Wood Co-opted Governor GDPR
David Ryan Parent Governor Attendance
Adam Karnacz Parent Governor SEND
Ryan Alderson Staff Governor Pupil Wellbeing
Louise White LEA Representative

Health & Safety


Register of Governor business and financial interests and governance roles in other educational institutions

          Business/Personal Interest
Mark McKelvie  Head Teacher Family connection to Strive with Sana Mente.
Donna Booth Trust Governor 

Charity Co-Founder of LEAP.
Chairman - NLT Training Ltd, Chesterfield.

Nick Crowther Trust Governor  

Advisor - Webs Training, Nottingham.
Owner - Trading Solutions, Halifax.
President & Trustee - H&B Club, Halifax.

Ewa Jamróz Co-opted Governor 

Leeds City Council Employee.

David Webster Chair of Governors

Governor - Queensway Primary School.
Member of Schools In Financial Difficulties Panel 
Member oif the Schools Forum

Family member employed at PGS

Louise White LEA Representative 

Leeds City Council Employee.