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About Us

Impact statement

The composition of the governing body

We are a strong and robust set of 13 Governors. Adam Karnacz and Andy Wood are recent additions to the Board and have already taken on important roles within the Board and they look forward to the new term ahead.

The constitution of the Governing Body is as follows.

· Headteacher.

· 1 Local Authority Governor.

· 2 Parent Governors, appointed by Parents/carers of Pudsey Grammar.

· 6 Co-opted Governors, appointed by the Governing Body.

· 1 Staff Governor, adopted by staff employed at Pudsey Grammar.

· 2 Trust Governors, appointed by the Trust.

Meetings of the governing body and attendance

The full Governing Board meets four times a year in school, with three sub-committees meeting three times a year which are online, all meetings are clerked by a trained professional. Governors have good attendance at these meetings even though the majority have busy working lives. Apologies for non-attendance are considered on an individual basis; Governors are aware through the code of conduct that non-attendance, which includes apologies not being accepted, could result in the removal of a governor six months from the first date of non-attendance, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

The work that Governors do in our Governing Body and Committees

Governors have worked closely with the school, meeting regularly to review targets and monitor progress against the School Improvement Plan in order to drive up outcomes. Through Governor meetings we receive regular reports from the Headteacher and Governors make contributions where appropriate. This has been a key aspect of monitoring the School Improvement Plan this year.

Governors continue to monitor the school finances on a regularly basis to ensure that they continue to be robust in the light of national funding shortfalls. This has involved regular one to one meetings with the Director of Operations, reporting back to the Resources Committee and Full Governing Body. Governors make recommendations on staffing, with particular regard to enhancing the Senior Leadership Team. Performance Management of staff has been closely monitored and presented to the Resources Committee. A staff survey will take place shortly.

The Safeguarding Governor meets regularly with the Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Headteacher to discuss Child Protection/SEMH and other safeguarding issues, oversea the school’s most recent Annual Return and ensure any areas for development are carried out. We were graded as outstanding on our recent safeguarding audit. The Safeguarding Governor also ensures that the correct safer recruitment procedures are carried out when recruiting new staff with spot checks also taking place.

The quality of Teaching and Learning is monitored by the Teaching and Learning Committee. Regular reports are received, and subject areas visited in school to ensure good practice is evident. Outcomes are also reported to this committee, where a Governor analyses the results and triangulates them with information previously given to the Governors. This committee also examines careers progression and equality issues, making recommendations as a result of student voice. Pudsey Grammar has a new SENDCo and the Governors receive regular updates on how the department is being transformed under new leadership and show the effectiveness of new interventions that are taking place.

Attendance has been tackled robustly and new strategies have been put in place and presented to the Student Support Committee. The link governor has ratified the outcomes by meeting with the member of the SLT responsible.

The progress of Pupil Premium students has also been monitored by the Student Support Committee and the link governor has regular meetings with the SLT lead and ensures that progress is being made with closing the gap. Impact shows that progress and attendance for these pupils has improved.

Governors have continued to supported events wherever possible and this includes attending House Events, Careers Fair, Open Evenings, Art/Photographic events and productions. Each Governor has been assigned a specific link role and upon completing a visit completes a proforma advising the Governors of their findings and school life and understanding of the day to day operations. Again, the evidence from these visits is triangulated with the evidence received from the leadership at Committee level.

Student voice activities have helped to ensure what the students are experiencing on the ground is compatible with the school ethos and values. Areas which have been monitored directly by Governors include, Safeguarding, English, Maths, Science, Attendance, Pupil Premium students including student voice, SEND and Equalities.

Governors have regular access to training, including keeping up to date with changing national statistics and examination structures.

Governors have worked tirelessly to improve outcomes for students and to realise our ambitious vision for the school and will continue to challenge in all areas to ensure this happens.