Pudsey Grammar School
Mount Pleasant Road
Pudsey, Leeds, LS28 7ND
Headteacher: Mr M McKelvie BEng (Hons.) Glas.
0113 255 8277
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The Governing Body completed a review of Governance in July 2023 facilitated by the Governor Support Service.
The review was extremely positive and praised in many areas;
‘Governors have a clear understanding of their role and talk of an effective working partnership with leaders. They not only understand the supportive aspect of that partnership, but they are also very clear that they must hold leaders to account’
‘Governors are very ambitious for pupils and staff. They visit the school frequently and talk to pupils and staff. As a consequence, they know the school well. They can see clearly which strategies have brought about improvement and where there is still work to do. They have effective systems in place to ensure that the school continues to improve’.
‘Governors come from a variety of backgrounds and bring with them a wide range of skills and experience. An analysis of governors’ minutes and conversations with governors showed that they provide real challenge and support for the leaders of the school. They are not afraid to question school leaders rigorously about all matters of school life.
Although we have a Training Governor to help new Governors with their development, all governors work with each other and encourage participation in meetings and encouraged to ask questions in order to gain a greater knowledge and understanding of the school. It was concluded through the recent audit that we must continue to;
· Robustly monitor and challenge student outcomes, particularly post 16, especially in light of the new building developments.
· Continue to improve the quality of teaching and learning.
· Challenge SLT/Heads of Department.
· Strengthen strategies to engage with stakeholders, especially parents.
· Look at bespoke training for specific roles and ensure Governors have an overarching knowledge of all areas in the school.
· Ensure that every Governor is aware of their specific role on the Governing Board, that all visits to school are recorded and reports are given at relevant Governing Meetings.
· Governors constantly challenge themselves and continually look at ways of how to improve the Governing Board.