Equalities Information
At Pudsey Grammar School, we work hard to meet our obligations under the Public Sector Equality Duty (known as the ‘equality duty’). This includes having due regard to the need to:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010.
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
- Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
As required by the equality duty, each year we publish updated information to demonstrate how we are complying with these obligations.
We eliminate discrimination by:
- Adopting a no tolerance approach to bullying and discrimination. This means that all students are taught that they have the right to be themselves; through the curriculum and in assemblies or organised workshops. All students know that they have a responsibility to look out for one another, and to report any incidents of bullying or prejudice-based behaviour. We have clear methods to do this. Students can report concerns or bullying via the tile on the student intranet called "Report a Concern". We also have dedicated Year Leaders who are available to discuss and deal with concerns with our students.
- Ensuring that anti-bullying and anti-discrimination themes are routinely addressed through our curriculum as well as the assembly programme. This includes at least one year-group assembly each term which specifically address issues of respect, equality and diversity. It also includes engagement with external organisations including ‘Hope not Hate’, ‘Positive Choices’ and ‘Human Utopia’.
- Ensuring that all staff receive training on how to spot, and deal with, prejudice-based incidents. New Staff induction programmes reinforce this as a priority as staff are guided through key school policies and safeguarding by Senior Leaders.
- Systematically recording all prejudice-based incidents, and monitoring these by different learner cohorts over time to identify patterns and inform improvement actions. Statements are consistently collated and stored securely by Lead staff, who also utilise CPOMS.
- Dealing with prejudice-based incidents in a fair and consistent way through the school’s behaviour and rewards system, where appropriate.
- Raising the profile of incident reporting with both students and staff. This includes the recent launch of our newly organised School Council.
- Ensuring positive representation of difference and celebration of diversity throughout the school year, highlighting calendared events such as Women’s History Month, Pride, South Asian Heritage and considering the full breadth of protected characteristics.
We advance equality of opportunity by:
- Providing training for all staff on meeting the needs of all learners (SEND), being mindful of unconscious bias and giving careful consideration to the language they use.
- Systematically monitoring indicators such as student progress, attendance at school and behaviour by learner group, in order to identify any gaps and required interventions. (Pastoral, student support team).
- Continuing to prioritise the accessibility of the site, ensuring lift passes are issued and medical updates are considered through our HR team and First Aid trained leaders. Access is secure for wheelchair users.
- Providing a broad, balanced curriculum, which is open to all students (Yearly curriculum reviews and subject leader led analysis of offer).
- Providing an enhanced transition programme for Year 7 students with additional needs or vulnerabilities (transition club and summer school).
- Providing additional support for students with additional barriers to learning, including those with protected characteristics (work with HLTAs and our SEND support team, access arrangements).
- Supporting students with competence in a heritage language to achieve accreditation (Mandarin Excellence Programme).
- Looking to maximise participation in trips, visits and extra-curricular activities by all students. This includes strengthening systems to monitor rates of participation and actions to address any gaps between learner groups. (PD remit).
- Integrating, embedding and implementing specific and meaningful examples of careers and future pathways in our curriculum. Guiding students through learning about career options in the classroom and out (Careers Fair) to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks.
- Encouraging a diverse workforce including through the wording of recruitment adverts and job specifications. (HR department).
We foster good relations by:
- Delivering an inclusive and diverse curriculum, which celebrates diversity and promotes equality (for example, through gender and civil rights units of work in History lessons and though selection of authors/poets and texts in the English schemes of learning).
- Engaging with award schemes and programmes which encourage an appreciation of diversity (the Red Kite Alliance RED Award).
- Providing a wide range of international visits for students, with at least ten overseas visits on offer each year (Iceland, Ski trip, Paris, New York) and a trip to China.
- Encouraging participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme for Year 9, 10 and 12 students to achieve their Bronze, Silver or Gold Awards.
- Nurturing actions teams in school council to focus on fundraising and planning for equality and diversity opportunities across the school year.
- Providing opportunities for students to engage with the wider community (Leeds City of Culture work for Fuse Festival 2023, ‘Going on a Bear Hunt’).
- Working with our catering team and HR department to ensure student voice is taken into account when it comes to dietary decisions that affect their health and wellbeing.
Equalities Objective
Below are some useful documents relating to Equality at Pudsey Grammar School.
Equality Information and Objectives Policy
Equality Report inc Objectives final