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START (U-Explore)

Knowing what career students want to go into can be challenging. To help with this we use the START system.

Students can log on and complete a profile which will help identify potential career routes including labour market information.

This can be accessed on any device at the following website: 

Start Profile


Further information about the system is available here:

Getting Started - The Start User Guide

Information for parents is available here:

Start Parent information guide

Student guide on how to register an account is available here:

How to Register Student Guide

START helps us match the statuatory requirements for careers in the form of Gatsby benchmarks. Here is a guide on how START helps us meet these requirements:

Start Mapped to Gatsby Benchmarks

Start Employability Skills Link

Future Goals - This website is excellent for resources and has lots of information about the Labour Market

UCAS How to write a CV?

UCAS What skills are employers looking for?

National Careers Service - A useful website for anything careers related, you can search for any job role and it gives you all the information you need on the steps to get there, salaries etc