Pudsey Grammar School
Mount Pleasant Road
Pudsey, Leeds, LS28 7ND
Headteacher: Mr M McKelvie BEng (Hons.) Glas.
0113 255 8277
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Key Information
Mr Tierney – Deputy Headteacher responsible for E-Safety |
Telephone: 0113 2558277 or e-mail p.tierney@pudseygrammar.co.uk |
The internet and ICT are essential tolls for teaching, learning and communication. It is important that students and staff use it appropriately and practise good online safety and that all members of the school community are aware of the dangers of using the internet and how they should conduct themselves online.
At the beginning of Year 7 our new students are introduced to the school network and given guidance on e-safety and the safe use of IT equipment (health & safety guidance, hazards).
At our Year 7 E-Safety Parent Information we discuss online safety with parents/carers to raise awareness of the risks of the Internet and mobile devices and share guidance/useful tips for the whole family on how to stay safe. Parents are also encouraged to have open discussions with their children to ensure all are aware of the risks of online useage.
Pudsey Grammar School takes part in the annual Safer Internet Day. This usually consists of activities in form time for all students and in ICT/Computing lessons (at KS3) over a week. The aims are to promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology with all our students.
Our Internet access is monitored and filtered through RM Safety and is a very powerful tool that only allows appropriate material on the internet to be accessed. This applies to any device connected to the school Wi-Fi including student’s own devices. Students may also have to agree to the school’s Acceptable Use Policy before they can use any IT equipment or have access to the internet.
We teach our students about online safety in ICT/Computing and PSHE. See the Online Safety plan in the Curriculum Plan section under the Curriculum tab
Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre combines police powers with the expertise of business sectors, government, specialist charities and other interested organisations - all focused on tackling child sex abuse. | http://ceop.police.uk/ |
A helpful practical guide for parents and carers on online safety. Click opposite to download. | |
Good student and parent friendly websites that gives advice on managing Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube accounts: | |
Childnet International a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the Internet a great and safe place for children. | |
Childnet’s Chat Danger website gives details about the potential dangers of interactive services like chat, IM, online games, e-mail and mobiles |
The NCA has issued an urgent warning about 'sextortion'. Please see the link to the letter for parents/carers on how to support your child and what action to take if this happens to your child. | NCA 'Sextortion' Warning |