Careers guidance & HE
At Pudsey Grammar Sixth Form, we offer dedicated, personalised careers guidance and higher education advice to help students achieve their aspirations. We place equal emphasis on apprenticeships as a valuable post-18 next step. Our comprehensive support ensures students exploring apprenticeships receive the same level of guidance and preparation as those aiming for university, empowering all students to make informed decisions about their future.
Each student has a careers interview in Year 12 to guide them in deciding their next steps, whether that involves further study, apprenticeships, or entering the workforce. This is followed by access to the annual UCAS Discovery Fair at Leeds Beckett University where students are able to explore hundreds of UK based universities and apprenticeship providers. We provide whole year group activities hosted by leading apprenticeship providers, Leeds based employers and our university links to prepare our students for life after sixth form. Our form tutors deliver a tailored program over two years, helping students prepare for their future endeavors at the most appropriate times.
Students applying university receive comprehensive assistance throughout the UCAS application process, ensuring their personal statements highlight their strengths and achievements in addition to personalised advice for competitive university courses such as medicine. We have exceptional staff who support Oxbridge applications and offer interview practice while offering access to Oxbridge and Medical Conferences within our School Trust.
Notably, we are one of 43 schools in the country and the only school in Leeds that is part of the New College University of Oxford Step Up Programme offering continous support to students considering Oxbridge from Year 11 through to Year 13. Furthermore, we offer fully funded tuition for those applying to study law, medicine, and engineering at universities that require admissions testing like the LNAT, UCAT, and ESAT.



Writing Applications




Post-18 Options