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Sixth Form

Geography A level


Entry Requirements: 5 in Geography

Course Overview:

Geography offers an exciting and wide-ranging experience. A Level Geography aims to give pupils an understanding of the physical and human processes which affect people and their environment along with an understanding of the vital issues facing society such as sustainability, economic development, and cultural awareness. The subject draws together aspects from both sciences and humanities. It develops intellectual abilities in a wide range of areas including data analysis, literacy and statistics. Students develop skills of enquiry such as analysing, evaluating and interpreting data to reach justified conclusions. The enquiry process uses scientific, statistical, satellite, mapping and computer techniques to analyse geographical phenomena and to process data via hypothesis testing. These transferable skills are much sought after by employers.

Course Content:

In Year 1, students follow two compulsory modules in human and physical geography: Changing Places and Water and Carbon Cycles.

In Year 2, students will complete their NEA (non-examined assessment) alongside studying Resource Security in human geography and Hazards within physical geography. Within the course, you will explore cultural approaches to representation of place and take a more scientific approach to investigating key systems in nature.

For the NEA fieldwork, a four-day residential course takes place at the Cranedale Centre at the edge of the North York Moors where these two core modules are explored in more detail using primary data collection methods.