Pudsey Grammar School
Mount Pleasant Road
Pudsey, Leeds, LS28 7ND
Headteacher: Mr M McKelvie BEng (Hons.) Glas.
0113 255 8277
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Sixth Form
This course will examine British Politics, American Politics, and Political thought in Year 13.
The kind of questions we will be looking at will be:
We want you to have confidence in your own opinions, and yet be willing to learn that there are complex political ideas behind any opinion and you may change your mind as the course progresses. This course will be best suited to those looking to combine it with other subjects such as History, English, Geography, Philosophy or Psychology. Ideally you will need a grade 6 in a Humanities subject, and a grade 5 in English language to be successful in this subject.
This course will open many doors. It is well respected at all Universities and could ultimately lead to a career in law, journalism, social work, teaching, academic research, or local government. The skills in analysis and evaluation that you will gain will give you the edge in Higher Education.