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Sixth Form

Physics A Level


Entry Requirements: 6 6 in Combined Science (Triology) or 6 in GCSE Physics

Course Overview:

Physics has no limits; everything in the universe and beyond is part of the remit. All the gadgets we take for granted, like laptops and mobile phones, would not be here without Physics. The World Wide Web was invented by a physicist. As well as constantly discovering and inventing new things, physicists deal with the big questions, from parallel universes and time travel, to why the smallest bits of cereal are always found at the bottom of the packet. This is a course that will stretch your imagination, as well as test your powers of analysis.

Course Content:

The specification has been developed to ensure that the subject content is relevant to real world experiences and is interesting to teach and learn. It is presented in a straightforward way, giving students the freedom to learn in the way that works for them. Physics is a stepping stone to future study; the specification allows students to develop the skills that universities want to see. The specification will support and inspire students, nurture a passion for physics and lay the groundwork for further study in science or engineering.

Career Pathways and Higher Education:

Physics is a solid choice for students considering a career in Medicine, Veterinary Science, Dentistry, Computing, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Environmental Science. Physics will also prepare students for careers in industry, such as those within the engineering or electronics sectors.

For further information on this course, speak with a member of the Science Department, or check the A Level specification on the AQA website.