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Year 6-11

Transition Timeline






Pudsey Grammar School place confirmed 

Leeds City Council confirm that you have secured your place at Pudsey Grammar School 


Welcome letter 

All parents/carers receive a ‘Welcome Letter’ congratulating students on securing their place at Pudsey Grammar School.

Letter to parents/carers


Welcome to PGS - booklet

Parents/carers and students receive a ‘Welcome to PGS’ booklet.

The booklet contains lots of key information about the transition to PGS. This includes: meet the team, transition day, attendance, timetables, extra-curricular, map of the school, uniform, PE kit, equipment, school values, Classcharts, the behaviour system, and key contacts. 

Booklet to parents/carers/students


Access to Arbor and Parentmail  

Arbor is used to send school messages and parents/carers are able to update key information at the touch of a button.

Parentmail enables parents/carers to make payments to school (for example for school trips).

Parents/carers will be emailed instructions on how to download the apps and gain access. 

Email to parents/carers

May - June 

Student information

We visit your child's primary school and liaise with Year 6 teachers and other key members of staff to gather key information on student needs. This information is used to support our planning.

May - June 

Student information

We also meet with your child at their primary school to discuss the transition process and answer any questions they may have.


Transition update letter

Transition update letter posted out to parents/carers.

Letter to parents/carers

June and July 

Follow up preparations 

Any additional needs will be discussed further with primary school staff and parents/carers to ensure we are fully prepared to meet students' needs in September.

To be confirmed

New Year 7 Parents Evening

Our first opportunity to meet as a new year group.  The Headteacher, Director of Studies, Year Leader and other key members of staff will be welcoming you to this informative evening.

Thursday 26th June 2025

Visit days

Students joining Year 7 will experience their first day of secondary school life.  A carefully planned day will consist of taster lessons, meeting Form Tutors, becoming familar with the school layout and preparing for their start in September.

Information will come out to parents/carers in advance regarding the arrangements for the day.  Students are asked to wear their primary school uniform.


Students first day

Year 7 students will start in September as the only students in school. This will give them time to get used to the building and their surroundings before all other students start at lunch time. 

September (3rd Week) 

Year 7 Form Tutor Evening

All parents/carers  are invited into school to watch a presentation in the main hall and receive guidance on literacy, numeracy, MFL and online safety. They will then get the opportunity to meet their child's Form Tutor. 

Mid November 

Year 7 Parents Evening

Parents/carers will have the opportunity to discuss with their child's teachers their attitude to learning and progress.  Our Parents Evenings take place virtually and appointments are booked in advance via the school website.