Pudsey Grammar School
Mount Pleasant Road
Pudsey, Leeds, LS28 7ND
Headteacher: Mr M McKelvie BEng (Hons.) Glas.
0113 255 8277
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Year 6-11
Below is a list of useful documents, websites and apps available to help our Year 11 students succeed.
Document | What is it? |
A great resource that covers topics such as What is anxiety? How to spot the signs, Tips for parents, Tips for young people and Where you can find help. | |
Website |
Link |
What is it? |
BBC Bitesize |
Lot’s of revision Content |
SparkNotes |
Great for learning English Quotes |
Exam Solutions |
Maths tutorials and exam question |
Seneca Learning |
Covers a range of subjects |
Oak National Academy |
A collection of tutorials and online lessons for a range of subjects |
Young minds |
https://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/feelings-and-symptoms/exam-stress/ |
Amongst other support some great advice on dealing with exams |
Kooth |
Online counselling and support for mental health issues |
MindMate |
Signposts support in Leeds for mental health issues |
App |
What does it do? |
Gojimo |
This app offers multiple choice questions to practise a range of subjects. |
Quizlet |
Search millions of study sets or create you own. Improve your school results by studying with flashcards, games and more. |
Adapt - Revision Timetable |
Helps build revision timetables specific to your subjects and exam boards. |
Study Tracks |
Use this app to aid your recollection and retention of the core syllabus. It’s as easy as remembering the lyrics to a song… core knowledge from a range of subjects is put to great music and beats which sticks in your head. Then test yourself on what you’ve learned. Great for recall in exams! |
Past Paper Ku |
Over 100,000 past exam papers for free! |
SimpleMind Lite |
A beautifully simple way to create mind-maps. |