Pudsey Grammar School
Mount Pleasant Road
Pudsey, Leeds, LS28 7ND
Headteacher: Mr M McKelvie BEng (Hons.) Glas.
0113 255 8277
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Ambition is one of our core values and this is reflected in the advice we give to students where we encourage them to aim high in their career aspirations. Our careers guidance provides students with all of the skills, advice and information they need to make an informed choice about the future pathways they can choose to follow.
We ensure that students are well-informed when making subject and career decisions and have access to independent, impartial advice. We want students to have high aspirations, self-belief, and a can-do attitude that will enable them to grasp opportunities, seek broad experiences and to have wide horizons. As a result our programmes provide access to a range of activities that inspire students, including employer talks, careers fairs, motivational speakers, colleges and university visits and high quality work experience placements. One key strategy we have is that all of our Year 10 students have an individual mock interview with external employers and university providers.
Additionally, our team support students to find relevant work experience to enhance their understanding of careers and interests, and add value to their UCAS and employment applications. Specialist trained staff help students seek and secure apprenticeships and complete college applications.
If you feel you could help with our careers programme in terms of opportunities such as work experience, or by speaking to our young people about your sector and experiences, please do not hesitate to get in touch..
Careers Statement
Here at Pudsey Grammar School, our careers programme provides students with a range of exciting experiences that are designed to fit the needs of all of our students.
We have a broad variety of careers events on offer each academic year to provide our students with a range of high-quality experiences alongside the delivery of good quality information, advice and guidance from a qualified careers advisor. Here is a sample of some of the careers related opportunities students can experience here at Pudsey Grammar School.
Our Careers Policy can be viewed below. The Policy includes information on our careers programme and provider access for organisations looking to engage with our school.
The Pudsey Grammar School CIAG & Employability Plan can be viewed below. The plan identifies how we are reaching The Gatsby Benchmarks. The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of guidelines that define the best careers provision in schools and colleges. Schools and Colleges should meet the standards by 2020.
Mrs Swithenbank
0113 255 8277
Miss Nia Robinson
Supporting sixth form pastoral and careers teams.
0113 255 8277
Pudsey Grammar School Provider Access Policy
Parent Guide: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5b07bbce40f0b60fa99a91e3/Parent-Guide-Apprenticeships.pdf
Search/Apply for Apprenticeships
If you are 13-25, Leeds Pathways is your guide to discovering the range of exciting education, career and training options available to you in Leeds.
National Career Service
T Levels - A student guide to T Levels
The school reviews the information on our careers webpages annually.