Pudsey Grammar School
Mount Pleasant Road
Pudsey, Leeds, LS28 7ND
Headteacher: Mr M McKelvie BEng (Hons.) Glas.
0113 255 8277
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Parent Information
To report a child's absence please contact us by the following methods:
Direct telephone number - 0113 3869122
Email - attendance@pudseygrammar.co.uk
Useful information that can support you when making the decision to send your child to school if they are unwell can be found using the following link - https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/
At Pudsey Grammar school, we believe that every lesson is an important step in building a successful future. Research shows that good attendance underpins not just academic success but also friendships and enjoyment of school. The link between attendance and academic outcomes is clear. We view good attendance as being above 97%.
100% attendance students are more than three times as likely to get grade 5s in English and Maths than people with 85 - 90% attendance.
100% attendance students are more than twice as likely to achieve 5+ GCSEs at grades 5 and above including English and mathematics than pupils with 85% attendance of KS4 lessons.
Even at 80% and 90% attendance, students miss a significant number of lessons which significantly impacts on their ability to access the curriculum.
We regularly speak to students about the importance of attendance in assembly and in form time and try to address any barriers to attendance through conversations with students and parents.
We have discussed with students the concept of ‘broken weeks’ of attendance and how they impact on students health and well being. We looked at the impact of absences on one student across a half term.
In this case study, absences are highlighted in red. What may seem to parents and students as an absence of ‘the odd day here and there’ can have a significant impact on wellbeing, academic progress and friendships. In the example above:
The case study above makes it clear that ‘broken weeks’ are a significant barrier to achievement in, and enjoyment of, school.
Rewards are an important part of our structure at Pudsey Grammar School and we provide a range of both long and short term rewards across the school year. We regularly inform students and parents of our new rewards initiatives.
If you would like further information about attendance at Pudsey Grammar School, please contact the attendance team on attendance@pudseygrammar.co.uk or call the attendance team on 0113 386 9122.
Our latest attendance policy can be viewed on our school policies page by clicking here >